
There are many different races living in Xentaria. If not otherwise stated, they follow the basic rules and descriptions of the books. You can have a look at them here:

D&D Beyond Races

Because of the nature of the world however, many races have different origins, relationships to other species or sometimes even different abilities. Some are rarer than others and less likely to be travelers. Others need consideration and consultation with the Dungeon Master. If not otherwise stated, all races listed here are natural to this world and don’t necessarily come from different realms as may be mentioned in the official rules. Kalashtar, Gith, Simic Hybrid, Verdan and Locathah are not part of this world and therefore not playable. The following pages will give a short description of the races, their place in the world and their most likely relationship to others.


Humans are probably the most common race in Xentaria. Their incredible ability to adapt to most climates makes them almost appear everywhere, except maybe in the deep oceans or the very high mountains. The most common place for humans to come from in Xentaria are either the Cascian Empire, Vultai or Iseria, but the continent of Madara or Dornoth are nearly equally as likely. Their variety in character and personality makes them work in every field.


Dwarves, while never seen in Karogon and rarely seen in Dornoth populate most of the world as well. They tend to be tough and brave and love the deep roads. Most Dwarves value loyalty very highly and have good memories for those who break their trust. The capital of their people is Tarork and it is connected to the ‘Way of the Depths’. While it is mostly in ruins, many Dwarves still adventure down into this gigantic tunnel network to look for long lost cities and treasure. Because the lust for riches and gold is what unites all of the little people.

Dwarves hate Orcs and Genasi, so much so that some of them will challenge them to a duel if seen. While there are loose peace treaties between the Orc tribes of Geddoz and Tarork, they will only go so far as to prevent all out open war and it is not rare to see fighting between them. Especially if Orcs or Genasi venture into the ‘Way of the Depths’.


It is said that the Dragonborn were an experimental creation of the dragons. Mixing Human blood with that of the great worms, they created a people that were able to move into smaller areas that the gigantic dragons could not. They were used in the ‘war of three parties’ to fight off demons and elementals. After the war and ‘the fission’ the dragons lost their powers and so hid from the world again. Now leaderless and without purpose the Dragonborn started grouping in tribes in Karogon, the land of the outcast. It is not rare however, to find traveling Dragonborn. Some are sick of the tribal lives, others want to find greater meaning. Many Dragonborn believe that they were enslaved by the dragons and want revenge for their use in the war, while others hope for the return of their masters to find new purpose. They vary greatly from being proud of their ancestors to hating them. Some also think that the other races should value them for their part in the war, while others think the tribes should try harder to include themselves into politics.

They tend to group with people of their own skin color. You will rarely find a tribe with more than one variety of Dragonborn.


Not unlike Humans, Elves can be found anywhere in the world. While they have the highest population density in Madara, they still can be found in great numbers around the coasts especially. Being great sailors, every harbor will have many Elves that will try to sell their wares or offer their services as navigators or guides. Some say that Caellin is the capital of the Elves, but while that might have been true before the beginning of the fourth age, today more Humans and Dwarves live there. However, it is true that in Madara you will find many elven ruins of ancient temples. Especially the Eternal Forest is considered a place of wonders and mystery. During the times when the Feywild was still intact, elves were said to be of unnatural beauty. Today, while still impressive to look at, many lost their magical presence. This is even more true, for the Elves that show the signs of the ‘elven lunacy’. Elves can be divided into many subraces, but the most common ones are the High Elves who are famous for their sea loving nature, the Drow, who lived with the Dwarves in the ‘Way of the Depths’ and the Wood Elves, who live in the forest and tend to nature. The Drow however have not been heard of since the war, when Orcs and elementals invaded the underground. Elf personalities can be as various as those of humans, with only one common nominator: a sleight arrogance towards other races. Since they are able to mate with Humans it is very common to see Half-Elves all around the world, but they tend to have shorter lifespans and are less beautiful.

Elven Lunacy:
Since ‘the fission’ Elves suffer from a terrible disease once they reach a certain age. Nearing 150 years they start to show signs of madness and uncontrollable emotions. It usually starts with the slow blackening of the veins of an Elf's eyes, which slowly starts to spread through the whole body. It is followed by changes of personality and ends in madness. Since the change is unpreventable many choose their own death when they first show signs of the illness. Others wander to the tomb of Malgath and pray for salvation. However, it is never given and the area has become more and more dangerous because of all the Elves that lost their minds there and now attack whoever disturbs them. Many look for a cure and some believe it lies in finding a way back into the Feywild, but so far none has been found.


Gnomes are as rare a sight as most of the other small races. Being nearly wiped out at the beginning of the war of ice and fire, the few remaining survivors hid deep in the ground. Today there is only one known village with Gnomes in the Swamp Lands and even that one is shared with other small folk. There are however rumours of tribes that have stuck to the ‘Way of the Depths’ and are still hidden there. Gnome adventurers are even rarer, but not unheard of. Their curious nature makes them sometimes travel the world in hopes of learning more about other people, politics or the technologies of the larger people. Gnomes are usually in good spirits and tend to find everything fascinating.


Halflings are maybe a little more common than Gnomes, but still a reason for people to look up (or rather down) when they appear. Also suffering great losses in the wars, their race survived by simply one thing: their ability to create great food. It is said that the Demon Lord Dornoth himself had a small family of Halfing slaves to cook for him. If that is the truth is lost to history, but Halfings tend to react even worse to Tieflings and other demon like creatures then the average person does. Their remaining families are found in the Swamp Lands, a place they rarely ever leave. The only time you will find a Halfling Traveler is when he is a great cook in search of new recipes.


There is no place in Xentaria where people like to see Tieflings. These demonic humans have a bad reputation and most people know to look out for their purse when speaking to one. Considered thieves, criminals and liars, it is hard to find a place in the world. Oftentimes the prejudices might be justified, but not all Tieflings flock towards crime. They have a neck for wizardry and know how to charm a crowd if given the opportunity. But their direct relation to the demon lord Dornoth and their demonic blood makes it hard for them to get chances to prove themselves. Most Tieflings you will find in the deserts of Dornoth, where their population is the highest. They are quite common though in the slums of every major city. There are many adventurers of this race; most hoping to make a name for themselves and get a better life, even if it is dangerous. Sometimes the risk of death and glory is better than being hated by all.


The Orcs of Xentaria are wild people. Fueled by the hate of being enslaved for a millenium, their tribes tend to not like strangers. Strength is what matters to them most and those who don’t provide for their clans will be cast out or killed. While there are a couple of big settlements, mainly the capital of Karogon, Geddoz, Orcs tend to live in smaller tribes with a nomadic lifestyle. They hunt to survive and rage war against everyone that is in their way. If their population gets too big they will cross the borders of the neighboring countries. Karogon is their home since after the great wars, but many tribes roam the other lands as well. More than anything they hate the Dwarves for they believe that they were responsible for the mass slaughter that happened to them in the Third Age. This goes as far as occasional raids in the ‘Way of the Depths’ to plunder their old cities or destroy what they are trying to rebuild.

Because of their immense strength, Orcs are perfect guards, mercenaries or soldiers and you will see them, or their smaller, but smarter brothers, the Half-Orcs, in every non dwarvish city.

While there are rules and lore provided for three different Orc Races on D&D Beyond, in this world only one exists. However, each of the race options can be chosen in Xentaria. They do however come with some additions:

Orcish Frost
Since their enslavement many centuries ago, their appearance and abilities have changed. Corrupted by the ice genie Iseria Orcs tend not to feel the cold as much. Their skin turned into a light blue colour and their eyes have a cyan look to them. They do however fear fire more than anything and one of the greatest punishments for an Orc is getting branded.

If you play an Orc or Half-Orc the following rules are added to your normal race rules:

Cold Resistance: You have resistance to cold damage, but are vulnerable to fire damage.

Orcish Ray of Frost: You can cast the cantrip Ray of Frost, but it’s range is reduced to 30 feet. If you don’t have any other, Strength is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Cold Resistance: You have resistance to cold damage, but are vulnerable to fire damage.


Not much is known about this race of lions. They are very rarely seen in the cities of the world and never talk much about where they come from or what they intend to do. It is believed though, that their home is the distant island Cutilla, where they live in a little tribe far away from the normal affairs of the world. Leonin are strong willed and love to battle; physically or verbally. They never hold grudges and accept even a loss with pride. They tend not to worship any gods, but some people believe that they have their own religion that gives them meaning and purpose in life. Occasionally you will see a Leonin adventurer or traveler in Cascia or Eliasien. Always with a look of determination on their face and appearing as if they know exactly what they need to do. They have a plan in life and you will not see them among criminals or thieves.


Since the arrival of the Elves from the Feywild, Satyrs have been associated with them. It is believed that they also arrived through this strange plane. Being fey themselves, they have an incredible joyful nature to them. They live without a care in the world, not thinking too much about laws, orders or decrees. Criminality is not something they strive towards though, but they will rather try to avoid any form of bureaucracy. They are rarely seen in the five kingdoms, but show up everywhere in Madara. Forests, creeks and groves they call their home, trying to avoid crazy cities and towns. For whatever reason, ‘the fission’ did not seem to affect them much. Some say it is because they are complete faeries and not, like the Elves, halfbreeds who are still connected to the Feywild. Others claim that their joyful and sometimes naive nature just overshadows any suffering that they might be feeling. The further you go away from Madara, the less likely it is that you will find Satyr travelers or adventurers. While interested in the world they value family quite highly and prefer never to stray too far from home.


The Aarakocra are a very common people in Xentaria. While mostly avoiding the big cities of Humans and Dwarves you can see them flying around quite frequently. Especially close to their homes in the Thundering Mountains, the Dead Mountains, or the Demonic Peaks. They tend to stay to themselves but are willing to talk to strangers for news or other important business. Aarakocra live in small tribes. They are quite family bound and try to stick with their own. This is especially true, since their faces are hard to read for other humanoids. Not being able to show grimaces or face expressions they are often misunderstood. Using chirps and crowing sounds to convey their feeling, communication is much more difficult with non-bird people. Since they don’t believe in possession, thievery is quite common among them, which in return makes it harder for them to live among others. However some more integrated Aarakocra are able to live in the cities and the world and adapt to Human culture for example.


Being part of the army of Iseria and a reminder of her cruel sovereignty, the Genasi are a hated people. These creatures mixed from Human, elemental and genie blood have no real home and no family to speak of. Their numbers were thinned during the wars and with their mistress gone there was no way to produce more of them. For though the originals of the Genasi were created by magic and science. They are able to mate with their own and other races however, but their offspring are not of their species. Two Genasi who have a child together usually created a Human. And if one partner is of another race, their children will bear the genes of them. Sometimes, other species give birth to these elemental creatures however, a fact scholars have long tried to find an explanation for. There are many different subraces, the most common one being the Ice Genasi. Sometimes Earth, Water or Wind Genasis can be found as well.

Not belonging to anyone they tend to travel by themselves or in smaller groups, or trying to integrate in human society. They are hated by the Dwarves and try to avoid, or fight them if possible. Only in the kingdom of Iseria are they tolerated, where especially the Ice Genasi prosper with their abilities.

Ice Genasi:
The most common form of Genasi in Xentaria is the Ice Genasi. If you play one, the normal rules for Genasi apply but the rules for your subrace are following:

Ability Score Improvement: You can choose to increase your Wisdom or your Strength score by 1.

Cold Resistance: You have resistance to cold damage.

Power of the Ice: You know the cantrip Frostbite. After you reach the 3rd Level you can cast the Chromatic Orb spell, choosing only ice as your damage type. You can repeat this spell after you finish a short rest. If you don’t have any other, Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Made from Ice: You ignore difficult terrain created by ice or snow. You can walk across water, forming a thin layer of ice under your feet. When you use this ability you can only walk with half your movement speed and you can only carry yourself and some light equipment, no other creatures.


Probably the toughest race in all of Xentaria, Goliaths are a rare sight. Only far north in the Dead Mountains, or close to Gexos’ Border will you find their tribes. They are hard and witless people who know how to survive in the deepest colds. Only the strong among them survive and are allowed in their clans. Weak Goliaths are outcast and have to fend for themselves. Those who do, sometimes become wanderers or travelers in the search for purpose.

Their pride for their hero Gexos, is strong. They usually don’t pray to any other deity. Because of the war with Iseria, hate towards the Genasi and other elemental creatures is strong among them. The only allies that they might have are the Orcs of Grokok and the Aarakocra, living high up in the mountains.


Legends say that all Aasimar are descendants of Asariel, the goddess of life. And many of them worship her as their divine beacon. But not all flock to the angelic goddess. Other Aasimar are granted visions and dreams by other mythical creatures and beings. One thing holds true for all of them though: they are connected to the gods. Some hate their connection and try to get rid of it. Others embrace it and try to fulfil their destiny. Having no home and no birth parents, Aasimar seem to be placed in the world rather than born. Most of them are found by strangers who take care of the little babys. They themselves are not able to have children. It is uncommon to see the difference between them and a human by mere gaze. Only a close look might reveal a light shimmer in their eyes and the smoothness of their skin. But when they reveal their true powers, their divine presence is unmistakable and they become worthy foes in combat. No one knows how many of them exist, but most people are happy to encounter one.


Since the beginning of the Fourth Age there probably has not been a single race more hated then the Bugbears. They appeared after the end of the wars seemingly out of nowhere. It is believed that they are related to the Goblins, but are much stronger and bigger. Roaming nearly each part of the world, an encounter with them is never friendly. They might sneak up on you at night, or one of their gangs will try to overpower your group if they think they might be stronger. The only reason they haven’t taken over much of the world is that they are lazy and less organised. Compared to the Orcs for example they tend to take naps and take long periods of breaks before they engage in new activities. But if there is one thing they are exceptional at, it is mating. A female Bugbear can produce up to twelve children in a year and they are combat ready at an age of ten. An adventurer of this hated race will have a lot of trouble in Human or Orcish cities and only really kind minded people can look past their race's incredibly bad reputation.


Most people believed the Firbolgs to be wiped out after the arrival of the demigods in the beginning of the Second Age. In recent years however some of them have been spotted again. Hiding deep within the Eternal Forest a couple of clans survived the wars and found a home there. Firbolgs are nature loving creatures and stay in the woods as much as they can. They love peace and quiet and are not ones for picking a fight. They do protect their homes and the nature around them though, even with their lives and are quite famous for the druidic circles. A Firbolg traveler is a rare sight and something tragic must have happened to them to leave their clan and family.


Goblins are everywhere. They roam the lands in tribes, have their own little towns or live in Human cities as slaves or servants. There is not a single spot in the world where you cannot encounter a Goblin, because they reproduce as fast as rats and can live in almost any climate. They are however not the smartest or most gifted race in any regard. Being overshadowed by their taller brothers the Bugbears and Hobgoblins, all they are really good at is nimbleness, which makes them excellent thieves. In the Cascian Empire and Vultai, where slavery is quiet common, they are sold by the dozents. Maybe that is the reason why they treat their own prisoners quite vicious and cruel. Goblin adventurers are pretty common, though not taken very seriously by society.


The taller brothers of the Goblins are smarter and stronger. They form strong societies with a sturdy militia. Living at the foots of the Thundering Mountains they try to wage war whenever they can. Mostly among themselves though, which is probably their greatest weakness. If they ever push out of their territory though, the Orcs of Karogon will set them straight. Because Hobgoblins are less in numbers then their smaller siblings. That is why you will see less of them in the cities of Cascia, Aston or Eliasien, but they are more respected. A Hobgoblin knows how to integrate into human society and follow the social standards of the other races, even though they might not like to do so. Being strong and smart, they make great military leaders or mercenaries.


The youngest race in Xentaria is probably the Kenku. Not more than 300 years ago these bird people showed up in the Deserts of Dornoth and the Thundering Mountains. They claim to come from the elemental plane of air and that they lost their wings to an evil deity called Asertos. He banned them from there for commiting the crime of stealing his most loved treasures. No one of the first arrivals of these people are alive anymore to confirm this tale. Kenku live in flocks of 30-50 birds and roam the countryside for food, treasure and shelter. But most of all they desire a way to learn to fly again. That is why they are drawn to the arts of magic or items that allow them to do so. Being quite nimble and clever, they make great spies and are able to integrate well in society. They prefer to stick to their flocks though and Kenku travelers are usually only by themselves because of a tragic event in their lives that robbed them of their families.


These draconic looking little creatures are quite common if you know where to look. They made the ‘Ways of the Depth’ their home and are living there in tunnel and cave networks that are too small for normal folk to walk through. Their reptilian looks make them believe they are related to dragons, or at least Dragonborn, which makes them awfully proud of themselves. They are not the smartest, or strongest but they work well in groups and accomplish impressive structures underground. Being cold blooded you will encounter them more in the South (or so deep, that it doesn’t matter anymore). A Kobold adventurer will always look out for a party to travel with. They hate being alone, because they know that only in a group they can flourish.


These scaly creatures are quite common in the West of Xentaria. They are also, like the Kobolds, believed to be descendants of the dragons. The home of their people is the Lizard’s Jungle in the Cascian Empire, but they also have multiple tribes in the Swamp Lands. Lizards are very different from other races in the sense that they seem very calculated and without emotions. They will gladly eat their fallen comrade for meat or run from a fight that they think they can’t win. You will never see them screaming in fear, or shout in anger, or even smile. But they can adapt to other cultures and will act accordingly if they think it will get them further than if they act to their instincts.


The Tabaxi are probably one of the most well known races that doesn’t have its own towns or villages on the continents. Everybody knows these cat-like people who seem so very distracted, uninterested in possessions and always up for a little bit of fun and adventure. But not everyone has seen one, because they are rare in numbers. They come from the Island of the Cat, a place in the Devil’s Ocean. From there the elder sends them out on a secret mission to look for a number of specific magical items that are important to them. What they are, a Tabaxi will never tell you, because they are sworn to secrecy. They do love to wander though and don’t always take their quest too seriously.


A mix of men and fish, that is how these strange people are often described. The Tritons live deep in the oceans and see themselves as protectors of the sea and the world. They don’t know much about the world on the surface and don’t care too much for it. That is why many people believe them to be arrogant and dislike them. But they will protect anyone they see in danger. If people are attacked by sea monsters, pirates or others they deem unworthy, they will step in and sacrifice themselves for what they believe is right. They don’t understand the customs and social structures of the world on land, so you will rarely ever see a Triton part of a political institution or guild. But they do dwell amongst the people, especially in towns close to the ocean.


The Yuan-ti are one of the oldest races, with a very complicated social structure and personality. They believe that they were set into this world by their goddess Shuduh and that she has a plan for all of them. The greatest honor one can get is to see her in her temple deep within the Lizard’s Jungle. The Yuan-ti live in old cities and have a caste system. The more snake-like of their people usually own more power and are considered ‘cleaner’. The ones with Human attributes to them are lesser beings and sometimes even end up as slaves. They do have their uses however. There are Yuan-Ti that can not be differentiated between a normal Human and those are often used as spies.

In the wars of ice and fire the snake people lost a lot of the strength they built over the centuries and since then they are trying to rebuild. The Cascian Empire tries to cast them out of their Jungles however and they have been at war with Human civilization for many years. Snake-like Yuan-ti travelers are rare, since they are unwelcome in most societies. But no one knows how many of the Humans walking around are actually part of their hidden empire.


Tortles are one of the strange and wonderful creatures of Xentaria. They can live up to 350 years and mature earlier than most species. Their parents only take care of them for the first couple of months of their lives, leaving them to fend for themselves afterwards. They learn to survive from a very small age and are therefore natural mavericks. Everyone loves a Tortle though, because they usually are kind and loving creatures, interested in other cultures, the world and its wonders. They tend to rather speak and walk slowly though and sometimes get lost in their thoughts. Tortles are quite common, especially at ports or coast lines. There is even a small little village where some of them group up in the Rainbow Isles. Many believe them to be water creatures, which is not true in fact. While they can swim, they are more familiar at land. They love nature, the open sky and the wind and make great guardians and mercenaries.


No one knows how many of these shapeshifters live in the world. They are able to take most humanoid forms at will and therefore live in all societies, cultures and social structures. They are born by genetic mutation, but only by parents of the same race. So it is very much possible that two Dragonborn create a Changeling, but a Half-Orc and an Elf could never give birth to them. Usually their abilities don’t show up until they hit puberty of the race their parents were. They do have a so-called ‘base race’, the one they were born with. Only very few of the Shapechangers reveal their abilities to others. Most people are naturally wary of Changelings, because you never know if they show you their real appearance. They are natural spies and thieves and are used to be undercover for many months at a time.

Since in the world of Xentaria, Changelings are not a natural race, but a genetic mutation, when you choose to play one, you can decide if you take the Ability Score Increase of the Changeling race, or that one of your natural race. However, all others abilities, traits, etc. will be the ones from the Changeling race.

Be aware that Changelings can not change the amount of limbs they have. If you play a Human Changeling, you will not be able to transform into a convincing Dragonborn or vice versa. They can also not create wings, like that of an Aarakocra.


Not unlike Changelings, Shifters are also born by accident. They appear in every race, but are very rare at that. From a very young age you will see more animalistic features in them, like longer hair, sharper teeth or claws and fiercer eyes than what is common for their species. It’s a mystery why a Shifter has these wild features to them. Some people believe it is the curse of the lycantropes that is connected to their families in some way. Others think it is just a jest of nature. There is a significant difference between Shifters and Werpeople though. While the latter are controlled by the animal within, Shifters control the animal themselves. Being able to transform at will makes them deadly combatants and scarry to look at. At core they are connected to one type of animal whose strength they can summon. Typical beasts like that are bears, tigers, pumas or eagles.

Shifters are often outcast from their families and society. They might live alone or travel with the few that accept them. Usually as mercenaries or hunters. A few Shifters are fascinated by the mystery of where they come from and why they are born the way they are. A legend says that for those who seek it, answers lie in the Forest of Wonder, far in the north.

The Beast Within:
In Xentaria, Shifters are not a race themselves, but are connected to one of the other races. If you choose to play a Shifter you need to select a ‘base race’ that your parents come from. Your appearance will be based on that race, however, you do have more animalistic features that are clearly visible to others, like longer teeth, bigger fur, scales that are more spiky, or something similar. You don’t get any other features of the race though, but use the abilities that a Shifter provides. You need to choose one of the Subraces as well, which are always connected to some form of animal.

Beasthide: bears, boars, dire wolves, lion or similar

Longtooth: tigers, hyenas, saber-tooths, leopards or similar

Swiftstride: spiders, velociraptor, gazelle, fox or similar

Wildhunt: eagle, hawk, falcon or similar


The Warforged were created by the Dwarves and Drow as a weapon to battle the demigods. Created far down in the ‘Way of the Depths’, they were forged from metalwork, timbering and magic. Something went wrong in the progress though and some of them were embedded with consciousness, emotions and thoughts. Being used as battle slaves in a war they knew nothing about and could care less for, they rose up against their masters. This led to the loss of many dwarven and elvish cities down in the underworld. Eventually the revolution stopped with the Dwarves barricading the tunnels down to the lowest levels of the ‘Way of the Depths’ to prevent more Warforged from rising to the surface. Haznuck, the city where they were first built, was lost forever. For centuries nothing was heard of these machine creatures. Many expeditions have been made to find the city and the people; all in vain. In recent times some Warforged have been spotted on the surface which makes many people very nervous, especially the Dwarves.

The Warforged that walk the surface don’t have any recollection where they are from or how they got to the surface. However, all of them have a clear mission in mind, that they strive to fulfil. They don’t know how they got this purpose and why and some struggle against it. Others believe they were sent to the surface by the rest of their race to learn about the world up there; the loss of memory a protection mechanism to protect the rest of their species.

Most other people are very hesitant on how to interact with the Warforged. In general they are a friendly people and don’t hurt others unless provoked or attacked themselves. But their lack of emotions, their way of speaking and their strange looks make many people nervous and distrusting.


Centaurs roam the lands of Madara, Vultai and Dornoth. They are a happy species, constantly celebrating life, love and the wonders of the world. Half horse, half Elf they also come from the Feywild and are therefore related to other faeries like the Satyrs. Being very clan and family driven, only few of these people ever travel the world. But those who do are met with stares, jokes or worse. Their body form makes it impossible for them to visit many stores, temples or ships. Some people like to ride on them, but Centaurs hate that thought. Not wanting to be compared to simple horses or mules, they will only let someone on their back in times of great need or danger, or a very trusted friend.


This race of elephant humanoids lives mostly in the desert. While rarely seen in colder places, they tend to own a lot of stores, bath houses, banks, schools and theaters down in Armedestan. There they can truly embrace their talent to barter, educate and spoil their customers. Loxodon are very loyal and that is a trait well known by everyone. They are also considered honest and kind, so people prefer to buy their wares from them. They usually live in cities, close to other races. They don’t have their own tribes or clans but prefer to mix with other people and learn from them. Loxodon travelers are rarer, the more you go north, because they hate the cold. Sometimes you can see them in a temple or cloister close to the Dead Mountains though. A place that is said to have been visited by their goddess Totora many times.


No other race can surpass these bulls in strength and battle lust. They live in Karogon and Dornoth, usually among Orc or Dragonborn tribes. Their former clans have been destroyed during the wars of ice and fire and since then they roam the lands always in search of a good fight. Once a year they will try to make their way to a little place south of the Midorian Waters to mate with the rest of their kind. This usually is a big event for them and ends in lots of friendly battles, drinking and of course sex. Minotaurs make excellent commanders and are often seen in the military or as bodyguards.


Grungs live in the Lizard’s Jungle, on the Rainbow Isles and some even in the Eternal Forest. They are most famous for their slave trade and their unpleasant nature. If you are weaker or in smaller numbers than them, they will try to capture and bully you. Once in captivity they poison you with their self produced toxins to keep you calm and willing. Except for trade, they avoid the taller races and stick to their own caste-based society. For though the colour of their skin determines the rank among them and the position they will stick to for the rest of their lives. Grung travelers are rare and not very welcome among human societies. The only reason a Grung would leave his tribe is for being outcast, but even those are usually used as slaves.

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